Tuesday, July 21, 2015

What's in my shower?

Have you ever wondered about what other people use and do when they shower? I do. I think it's weird yet very interesting at the same time. It's one of the things that I think about when I'm extremely bored. Whenever I  see someone with great skin, I always wonder what soap or lotion he or she is using. Just in case you also have nothing else to do, here are the products that I use whenever I shower.

The first thing that I do whenever I shower is to wash my hair. I'm currently using an anti-dandruff shampoo from Head & Shoulders just because my husband doesn't really like the "girly" shampoos that I used to get from Sunsilk. We're actually planning to buy two different brands of shampoo next time. We're just using this one up. I'm thinking of trying the Hana Shampoo next.

The conditioner that I use is from Cream Silk. I really love this conditioner. I've already tried a lot of brands but this is still the best for me. I'm using the Standout Straight one but all of their conditioners are good. I usually brush my teeth while leaving this on my hair for two minutes. I only rinse it after I finish gargling with mouthwash.

The toothpaste that I use is from Colgate. We use the regular one just because it's what we currently have. We still have two more tubes of this regular Colgate. My in-laws gave them to us. What I really like using is the Colgate Optic White. 

The mouthwash that I use is from Listerine. I used to buy the Colgate Plax Mouthwash before but after using this, I got hooked and I am now loyal to Listerine. I just feel like this cleans my whole mouth better. It burns at first but I eventually got used to it

 The exfoiliating body wash that I use is from St. Ives. It's the one with the purifying sea salts. I've just recently tried this and I'm loving it.

 I use my body scrub with this brown and white loofah made of plastic mesh.

To avoid bacne, I use this brush with a long handle to scrub my back.

I have also just recently tried this. I bought this facial cleanser, my body scrub and feminine wash at the same time. It's the gentle cleanser from Cetaphil. My skin is very dry and this is the only cleanser that doesn't make it worse,

My feminine wash is from PhCare. This is the most refreshing intimate wash that I've ever tried. I will definitely keep buying it.

I also like shaving my legs and arms in the shower at least twice a week. My underarm hair doesn't really grow thick unlike other girls and I only really wear my sleeveless shirts at home so I only shave my underarms at least once or twice a month.

After I'm finally done showering, I like brushing my hair while it is still wet. This is a rectangular paddle brush from Broadway Gems. I know that it's not good to to brush while it's still wet but I've found that it's actually harder to detangle my hair after it has already been air dried. Wet or dry, it's even worse when I use wide toothed combs. Using this brush is the best choice for me. It's like a wet brush. This makes styling my hair so easy. If you would be buying a brush of your own, make sure buy a high quality one. The others that I've tried hurt my scalp after a few days of usage.

After pinning my bangs back and out my face, I like applying petroleum jelly on the dry patches of my face. I'm planning to buy a moisturizer for my face but I can't wait to write this post so I'll just write a different post about my skincare routine next time. The lotion that I'm using is from Nivea. This is the one with vitamin E and grape seed oil. It's especially for people with dry to very dry skin. It's perfect for my skin. It doesn't have SPF though so I suggest that you only use this when the weather's very cold and you don't really have a chance to get exposed to the sun. It's been raining lately where I live so the weather's a little bit colder. I'll probably use a different lotion once the sun starts showing up again.


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